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Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Shortwave broadcast observations for 8/21/12

Country in brackets is the country of origin of the
transmission, and not necessarily the transmitter site,
unless specified. If two countries are in brackets, first
one is transmitter site. After that, the date, time and
frequency in kHz is listed. All times in UTC and all
stations heard on TECSUN PL-380 portable in
Euless, Texas, USA, with 25 foot reel wire antenna,
on a second floor, unless otherwise noted.

[SPAIN] 082112, 0055, 6055 -- It's not often that I run
into REE in English, but it looks like I caught the tail end
of a broadcast. OM in English IDs and reads frequencies,
then some music which sounded like an interval signal.
SINPO 43444.

[BRAZIL] 082112, 0058, 6180 -- Radio Nacional da
Amazonia from Brasilia at 250 kw. Male announcer talking
to another male on phone in Portuguese.  Headlines at
0059. SINPO 43333.

[GREECE] 082112, 0100, 7475 -- Very weak, noise-
riddled transmission. OM reading/talking in foreign language.
Per HFCC, this is Voice of Greece, in Greek. Whoa,
definitely a first time station for me. 22222, txmitter is
in "Avlis" per HFCC, but I can't find any location by
that name online. I assume it would be in Greece.

[MOLDOVA / RUSSIA] 082112, 0103, 9665 -- Voice
of Russia in English. Female hosted segment "Out and
About". 33233. Txmitter in Kishinev-Grigoripol, Moldova,
per Aoki.

[SERBIA] 082112, 0106, 9685 -- Heard male reading in
foreign language, weak signal and lots of noise, 23133.
Thought it might be CRI in Chinese first, but from what
I could make out, this was probably a European language.
Another first time reception? Yes, per Aoki A12. Nice.

[ROMANIA] 082112, 0110, 9700 -- Eastern European
Night continues, apparently, now with Radio Romania Intl
in French, broadcasting from Tiganesti, 33233. Noisy but
steady. OM reads news in French.

[GERMANY / CROATIA] 082112, 0112, 9925 -- Croatian
Radio in vernacular, 2 males talking. 34243, not terrible.
Txmitter is Wertachtal (Bavaria, Germany) per Aoki and
HFCC.  The latter says transmission should've been over at
0100, the former says 0300.

[USA] 082112, 0115, 11775 -- Radio Marti from Greenville,
SC, in Spanish. Male and fem. interview someone via phone,
a Cuban exile, what else? 32222. Bad interference, maybe
Cuban jamming?

[USA] 082112, 0118, 11870 -- EWTN in Spanish from Vandiver,
AL. Male with female voices in background reciting prayers. Pro-
bably the rosary. Yawn. Comes in great, for all the good it does
me, 55445.

[UNIDENTIFIED] 082112, 0121, 21600 -- I keep hearing a
strong carrier on this frequency around this time of night. Aoki
and HFCC show nothing, but there is a Chinese jammer at 21605.
Per Aoki, jamming Radio Free Asia on 21595 and BBC from
Cyprus in Uzbek on 21590. Alrighty then.

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